DE&I Employer Toolkit

Grand Rapids Chamber | Institute for Healing Racism


The Grand Rapids Chamber acknowledges that fostering inclusion necessitates creating environments where diverse perspectives can engage in open, honest dialogue to promote learning and growth. Aligned with our core value of fostering belongingness, the Institute for Healing Racism is designed as a catalyst for examining and disrupting systemic racial oppression.


Institute for Healing Racism


Company Level:

Large Employer (over 1,000 employees), Mid-size Employer (250-1,000 employees), Small Employer (fewer than 250 employees)




Related Reading

This report outlines the business case for racial equity in Michigan. It also provides 20 facts about racial and ethnic inequities in Michigan, estimates potential…
New research from The Peterson Institute for International Economics and EY shows that having more female leaders in business can significantly increase profitability.Study shows that…
Despite the ever-growing business case for diversity, roughly 85% of board members and executives are white men. Harvard Business Review conducted three studies to examine…