5 Reasons Employers Should Support MiCareerQuest

The following is a guest blog from Amy Lebednick, Business Solutions Manager at West Michigan Works!. You can learn more about West Michigan Works! at https://www.westmiworks.org.

In the next decade, 37.5 million baby boomers will retire and only 21 million workers will enter the workforce to replace them. To address this issue, many educators and employers are working to make sure that students are interested in key careers early on. That way, they will be ready to pursue the necessary education and training to meet the demand for these careers as soon as they graduate high school.

What is MiCareerQuest?

MiCareerQuest helps to educate students and highlight over 100 high-demand careers. Last year, 9,000 students from 87 West Michigan schools attended, learning from 70 different companies about careers in a hands-on exploration event. With a goal of exposing students to new careers and changing their perceptions about jobs in construction, advanced manufacturing, health sciences and technology, and information technology. Students can explore these sectors again at MiCareerQuest on April 25th, 2018.

Reasons for Employers to Get Involved

Until November, employers have a chance to get involved with the 2018 event. Still on the fence? Here are 5 reasons to support MiCareerQuest:

  1. MiCareerQuest is an opportunity for local employers to inspire West Michigan middle and high school students to choose careers in Michigan’s high-demand industries: construction, healthcare, information technology, and manufacturing. This year’s event will bring 9,000 students from across West Michigan to DeVos Place to engage in conversation with industry professionals and participate in hands-on activities that may open their eyes to careers they never even knew existed. 
  2. MiCareerQuest gives professionals who work in these high-demand jobs every day an opportunity to share their enthusiasm for the job, showing students how to use the tools of the trade and providing a first-hand experience of career opportunities available to them right here in West Michigan. MiCareerQuest often reinvigorates the passion that a participating employee has for the work they do.
  3. MiCareerQuest builds meaningful collaborations between educators and the business community. Teachers and counselors learn about local employer needs, new technologies and skills relevant for today’s workforce. Educators can then apply this knowledge to their classroom content, building in-depth and practical knowledge of the workplace.
  4. MiCareerQuest provides an opportunity for West Michigan employers to connect with their peers, promote careers within their industry and build relationships with competitors and suppliers.
  5. MiCareerQuest helps companies to think outside of the box to come up with a unique way to engage the workforce.  Several participating employers have implemented their exhibit design and activities into their recruitment process to provide a unique experience for job seekers, particularly at career fairs and school events.

Okay, I’m convinced. Now what?

Interested in having your company represented at MiCareerQuest next spring? Contact the Business Solutions Team at West Michigan Works! to get started, or head right to the MiCareerQuest website to learn more about planning an exhibition or sponsoring the event.

Talent 2025 would like to thank Amy for contributing this blog post.

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