
Workforce Development


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Classroom setting, man in foreground raises his hand.

TalentFirst members are at the forefront of driving improvements in Michigan’s adult education system. As employers, they recognize the critical role that adult ed plays...

Human Resources and DEI Strategist Ovell Barbee, SPHR, tells a story from his career that emphasizes the importance of remembering that people are at the...
By now, employers and talent professionals are seasoned veterans of the turbulent labor market we have experienced for several years...

A recent Bridge Michigan article might have surprised anyone accustomed to dismissing our neighbor to the south, Indiana. Headlined “Indiana is beating Michigan by attracting...

West Michigan currently produces less than one-fourth of the postsecondary graduates we need. As a result, employers have too many openings and not enough skilled...

Through a series of complex legislative and judicial actions, Georgia in July became the only state to implement work requirements to qualify for expanded Medicaid...

A recent headline from Axios declared what might appear to be good news for employers: “The Great Resignation is over, quit rates return to pre-pandemic...

For more than a decade, Michigan has struggled with a lack of skilled talent. So, the state correctly invested in programs, like Michigan Reconnect, designed...

Proposed federal legislation to reform food-stamp work requirements has revived a decades-long debate about the nature of benefits programs and their role in keeping people...

An estimated 1 in 3 working-age adults has a criminal history, representing a largely untapped pool of labor that is reliable, productive, eager to succeed...

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