MiCareerQuest by the Numbers

As we highlighted in a blog post on Tuesday, MiCareerQuest is a terrific opportunity for students to learn about potential career paths, especially in industries that they may not have considered before. Spanning Advanced Manufacturing, Construction, Health Sciences, and Information Technology, students have the opportunity to interact directly with local employers, and even try out occupational equipment to get the experience of a job.

In this Data Points blog, we like to highlight data sources and interesting data trends about our region. We wanted to take a minute to do the same about this valuable event.


MiCareerQuest Event Statistics

  • 9,000 students
  • 87 schools from across West Michigan
  • 793 employees from 70 companies
  • 100+ high demand careers highlighted
  • 400 Volunteers

MiCareerQuest Outcomes

Each year, those sponsoring, facilitating, and attending the event are surveyed to make sure that MiCareerQuest was filling the needs of the students, the educators, and employers in the region. Here’s what they said:

  • 98% of exhibiting companies recommend participating in MiCareerQuest to their network.
  • 100% of educators said MiCareerQuest was a valuable educational activity for their students.
  • 96% of educators said the learning experience helps to fill a need they currently have in their district for students.
  • 84% of students learned about employment and education/training opportunities that they didn’t know existed before the event­—that’s 7,560 students exposed to new job opportunities!


How Can I Get Involved?

If you’re an employer interested in helping promote your industry to the future workforce, there are plenty of ways to get involved. Learn more on our blog post from Tuesday, the MiCareerQuest website, and contact a member of the Business Solutions Team at West Michigan Works!

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