Getting to Know HireReach

Reducing bias and other inconsistencies in the hiring process has never been more important. HireReach is helping employers do this by assisting them to develop and implement an evidence-based selection (EBS) process for hiring. HireReach uses a methodology that was developed at Mercy Health in 2010. Since the initiative launched in 2019, twenty-six West Michigan employers have participated. HireReach, a TalNet innovation, provides practical training and tools to reduce bias and increase the use of valid predictors of job performance.


Register for an Upcoming Webinar

Learn how organizations can use fair and objective decision making to connect the right people to the right jobs by attending one of the upcoming webinars. Attendees will learn:

  • What is an evidence-based selection program?
  • How can implementing an evidence-based selection process reduce noise and bias in the hiring process?
  • What tools and data can we use to improve our hiring?
  • What is HireReach?
  • How does HireReach support employers implement an evidence-based selection process?
  • What training and supports are provided through HireReach?
  • Is our company eligible to participate?
  • How does our organization get involved in HireReach?

Who should attend

The target audience includes Human Resource leaders and talent acquisition specialists. HireReach is best suited for medium and large employers with an established talent acquisition or recruiting function.

Event Dates

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 from 9-10:30am:

Thursday, January 7th, 2021 from 9-10:30am:


For more information about HireReach visit



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