Ensure children have access to quality childcare and preschool that prepares them to enter kindergarten at…
Increase academic and college and career readiness measures and advocate for schools to adopt…
The Postsecondary Education Working Group aims to increase the number of students graduating from West…
The Workforce Development Working Group aims to create a best-in-class workforce system to engage and…
The Workforce Analytics Working Group aims to advance alignment across West Michigan’s talent…
Significantly reduce the racial and ethnic disparities in labor force participation, employment, and…
TalentFirst will be recognized as one of the most trusted resources for talent solutions among West Michigan…
TalentFirst’s membership represents an array of the region’s business, educational, and civic leaders — a group as diverse as the region we serve. Together, they are a powerful force for meeting the talent demand of today and tomorrow.
Six out of 10 fourth graders in Michigan went back to school this year unprepared to read at grade level. In announcing the results from...
As students head back to school across Michigan, too many classrooms will have empty seats and too many young learners will not be present when...
Note: In advance of our next Talent Solutions Series event, Expand Talent Pipelines | Embracing Neurodiversity @ Work on Oct. 1, we will be sharing...