
An examination of early and school-aged learning educator compensation in Indiana, including a series of recommendations to bolster the workforce through increased compensation.

This report identifies possible explanations for declining labor force participation in Michigan and provides a roadmap of reforms to promote employment and economic mobility.

In an effort to better track progress, TalentFirst selected six key performance indicators to measure the economic conditions of West Michigan against those of 11 peer communities.

An in-depth look at population, labor force, and employment trends in West Michigan.

An overview of the current state of the childcare workforce in West Michigan, including wage comparisons against similar occupations.

This report sheds light on Michigan's SLDS to provide stakeholders with well-sourced insights about the use of the current SLDS and to guide improvements toward a best-in-class system.

A look at the past, present, and future state of West Michigan's workforce system.

Published in August 2016 by Public Sector Consultants for the Workforce Development Working Group.