Recognizing, developing, and nurturing the talent that each and every one of our students naturally have has never been more important. With the changing nature of work and the growing recognition that there are many pathways to a successful and rewarding career, as an education community we need to critically examine how we prepare our students for what’s next.
This free conference is dedicated to showcasing and providing specific and actionable strategies that teachers, counselors, administrators and business partners can implement within their schools and classrooms to help their students prepare for the future. Come join the discussion, collaboration, and design work that will move your students and community forward.
March 1: Conference Keynote Speaker: Dr. Paul Isely
Economist and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs in the Seidman College of Business at GVSU, Dr. Paul Isely will share his expertise and research on West Michigan economic trends and regional employment forecasts.
March 8: Employer Panel – The Future of Work
Understanding the important role educators have in advising students in their career interests, providing career exploration, college planning and the various pathways to employment after high school, various employers will be providing insight on the dynamic employment trends and shifting talent needs.
March 15th: Employability Skills
Showcasing how innovative districts in West Michigan are developing K-12 student’s Employability Skills such as communication, teamwork, reasoning, responsibility, and innovation.
March 22: Career Exploration
Providing actionable strategies for educators to implement the MDE K-12 Career Development Model to support student’s career awareness, exploration and preparation for careers that best align with their strengths and interests.
Each virtual session is scheduled for 1 hour from 4-5 pm (EST).