The 5 Habits of Highly Successful Chief Diversity Officers


The role of Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) is demanding, with many diversity efforts falling short of achieving meaningful outcomes. The article identifies common challenges CDOs face and outlines five key habits of successful leaders in this field:

  1. Strategic Thinking: Successful CDOs view diversity as an organizational strategy rather than a mere ethical obligation. They align diversity initiatives with business goals to harness diverse perspectives and gain a competitive advantage.
  2. Building Win-Win Relationships: Effective CDOs create mutually beneficial initiatives by understanding the interests of all stakeholders, including skeptics. This approach ensures commitment to diversity goals by demonstrating clear benefits for everyone involved.
  3. Data-Driven Decisions: CDOs who excel rely on metrics to measure the impact of diversity efforts, making evidence-based decisions. This data-driven approach helps secure senior leadership buy-in by illustrating clear ROI and aligning initiatives with broader organizational objectives.
  4. Adapting to Perceptions: Understanding that “perception is reality,” successful CDOs work to mitigate negative biases and build trust. They adapt their behavior to fit organizational norms, paving the way for long-term influence and integration of diversity into the core business strategy.
  5. Demonstrating Grit: Resilience is crucial, as driving change in large organizations takes time. Top CDOs persevere, staying committed to their goals despite challenges, demonstrating the patience and persistence needed to make lasting impact.

Overall, these habits emphasize strategic alignment, relationship building, and perseverance as essential traits for impactful diversity leadership.



Company Level:

Large Employer (over 1,000 employees), Mid-size Employer (250-1,000 employees), Small Employer (fewer than 250 employees)




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