Facilitating Growth for Minority-owned Businesses: How rethinking supplier diversity and creating results-driven processes will achieve revenue parity


The Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council (MMSDC) commissioned research from supplier.io, a provider of supplier diversity solutions, to assess the growth rate of minority business enterprises (MBEs) and determine the gap that remains in the revenue parity for MBEs relative to the number of minorities in the US.

Minorities and MBEs continue to drive disproportionate economic growth in the US. In the five years from 2014-2018, MBEs created 14.2% of the new jobs in the US. However, MBEs continue to lag in receiving the equitable economic benefits of their contribution. MBEs collected only 7.3% of the revenue growth during this same period. Download the full report for additional details and insights.


Company Level:

Large Employer (over 1,000 employees), Mid-size Employer (250-1,000 employees), Small Employer (fewer than 250 employees)


Implementation, Informational


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