Elevating best practices, tracking regional progress, and offering insights for West Michigan employers.
For West Michigan to rank among the top 20% of regions for workforce quality nationally, employers must be able to attract, develop, and retain diverse talent. This dashboard supports these objectives by drawing on three years of aggregated data from our DE&I Benchmark Survey of West Michigan employers.
The DE&I Benchmark Survey data, along with our DE&I Employer Toolkit , provides data, insights and solutions for employers to strengthen their DE&I efforts and and increase the impact they have within their organization and across the region.
What is the DE&I Benchmark Survey?
Organizations self-report their data and performance scores in the two parts of the survey: Workforce Demographics and DE&I Best Practices.
Benchmark survey participants receive confidential insights to their cultural and demographic landscape, while aggregated scores allow us to track progress across our region. Both are essential to improvement.
The four dashboards below correspond to four segments used to group the best practices measured in our benchmark survey. Interactive tools allow users to drill down into the data by year, county, company size, and industry. Each section of data has insights and strategies to improve these scores.
User Tips
- Scoring is on a five-point scale, the same scale as the benchmark survey, with 5.0 signifying the pinnacle of DE&I excellence. Aggregate scores are color coded in each dashboard, ranging from red (0) to dark green (5).
- Hover over any county on the map to view the average score for that segment, and to see the types of companies (i.e., for-profit and privately held, for-profit and publicly held, or non-profit) that responded to the survey during the selected year(s).
- Filters on the left allow a choice of year the data was collected and the company size.
- To explore results by industry sector, hover over any segment on the bar graphs to see the percentage of companies that achieved a given score on that segment of the survey based on your filter selections.
Strategic Foundation Practices
This segment anchors the DE&I strategy of an organization, emphasizing the essential elements needed to drive the strategy forward. The categories included in strategic foundation practices are:
- Vision, Strategy & Business Case practices establish a strategic DE&I direction in alignment with the organization’s mission guiding its objectives.
- Leadership & Accountability practices enforce DE&I accountability among leaders who are instrumental in setting goals, modeling inclusive behaviors, and ensuring progress.
- Structure & Implementation practices ensure the existence of dedicated support with the necessary authority and budget for effective implementation of DE&I initiatives.