Idealists with bills to pay

Millennials (1981-1996) value flexibility, purpose, opportunities for career progression, and customizable benefits. Like Gen Z, they tend to seek out transparent, inclusive organizations. They place a greater emphasis on equity and advancement than older generations but are likely dealing with financial burdens that come with homeownership and parenthood. Pets play a heightened role in Millennial households; benefits should reflect this untraditional family structure.


  • Flexible schedules, remote work
  • Customizable benefits, especially pet insurance and options for mental health
  • Skill-structured career development programs
  • Paid volunteer time off (VTO)
  • On-site daycare or pet care
  • Mortgage services

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The playbook provides practical tactics, metrics, and resources to support the recruitment, development, retention, and engagement of talent in the new era of work.


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