Know Your Team and Recruits

Tailor your talent strategy.

The workforce consists of individuals who defy one-size-fits-all definitions. However, by understanding what workers value and what motivates them at their stage of life and career, employers can refine recruiting methods and messages. They can also design benefits and practices reflecting the workers’ needs from every generation to increase retention.

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Competitive and hardworking Baby Boomers (1946-1964) value job security, visibility, and recognition and rewards for a job well-done. As part of the largest generational cohort,…

Seeking stability Generation X (1965-1980) values flexibility, as these workers usually have responsibilities for aging parents as well as their own children. However, they tend…

Idealists with bills to pay Millennials (1981-1996) value flexibility, purpose, opportunities for career progression, and customizable benefits. Like Gen Z, they tend to seek out…

Purpose over profit Gen Z (1997-2012) values workplace flexibility above all else. These workers are often drawn to transparent, inclusive, socially responsible organizations. They tend…