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Utilize Opportunities to Engage Students

Leverage internships, apprenticeships, ambassador programs, and other opportunities to increase company and job exposure among K-12 and postsecondary students and adult learners.

  • Establish an early careers program to build genuine connections with college students through targeted messaging and engagement on social media, partnerships with student organizations, and ambassador programs featuring recent graduates who are now employed by the organization.
  • Build authentic relationships with community organizations, non-profits, workforce development agencies, and churches that serve underrepresented talent. Provide them with exposure to your employer brand, industry, various job functions, and the competencies needed to perform these jobs while building awareness of in-demand occupations with large hiring volumes.
  • Consider recruiting talent from a state Vocational Village, which provides inmates with intensive hands-on job training and state-issued certifications in 11 different trades – auto mechanics,
    carpentry, CNC machining, electrical, forklift, masonry, plumbing, robotics, truck driving, welding, and tree trimming. Returning citizens are shown (PDF) to be more loyal and productive than the average worker and represent 1 in 3 adults nationwide, reflecting a huge potential pipeline of skilled candidates.

Download a Copy of the Playbook

The playbook provides practical tactics, metrics, and resources to support the recruitment, development, retention, and engagement of talent in the new era of work.


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